Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Installing HDLoader to your ps2 memory card

What you will need:

  • a blank cd-r
  • a cd burner
  • an original psx game (doesn't matter which game, can be a cover disc)
  • an original playstation 2, not the new slim PStwo. The PStwo's don't have a HD bay or interface.
  • an official network adaptor
  • a harddrive at least 40gb in size (i've heard drives smaller than 40gb will work; the original Sony HDD is 40gb, and is what the network adaptor is expecting.)
  • nero burning rom [or a cd burning program that will burn in mode2/xa & iso9660 level 2]
  • a PS2 memory card (with at least 600kb of free space)

Step 1

The first thing you need to do extract the filepack. Extract the zip to it's own directory someplace. I've made a new directory called MC in the C: drive.
This tutorial assumes you've put the files in C:\MC
Make sure that you have unzipped the file with "Use Folder Names" ticked.

Step 2

1) Put the PSX game you will be using in to your computers drive
2) open notepad (click "start", click "run" & type in "notepad", then click "OK")
3) Click on the File menu, and select Open
4) once the "open dialogue" comes up, you need to set the "look in" location to the drive your psx cd is in (mine is D:, yours may be different)
you will need to make sure you're viewing files of "all types" (1), then you need to click/highlight "system" file (2), then you need to click "OK" (3).

5) in the first line you need to write this down, its your game PSX ID. i've highlited and put in a red box the part you need to right down.
[yours may say SLES (or something different, or have a dash (-) instead of an underscore ( _ )]
you only need what comes after "BOOT = cdrom:\" and before ;1, in my case it's SCUS_942.35

5) now we need to open the command prompt. click the "start" button, click "run", type in "cmd" & then click "OK"

6) now we need to enter a few DOS commands
it will come up with a black screen and & start you in your documents folder. just type in; "cd \mc" & press enter

7) now we're in the MC folder, you're going to need to modify the title.db file to reflect that of your psx game.
you'll need to type in "titleman -a SCUS_942.35" & then press enter (your psx ID will be different, unless you're using NHL Faceoff '99)

8) it will then modify the file

modification of the title.db file is complete, now you need to burn.

Step 3
i will be using nero 5.x in my demonstration. nero 6 or other cd burning programs should work as long as they will burn in mode2/xa & iso9660 level 2.

1) first, open nero.
it might start up with the wizard, close the wizard

2) you need to create a "CD-ROM (ISO) [1], make sure its not multisession [2], and then you need to click the "ISO"[3] tab.

3) once you've clicked the "ISO" tab it will bring up this window.
make sure its "ISO Level 2" (1), make sure it set to "Mode 2/ XA"(2), make sure the character set is "ISO 9660"(3) & then click "New"
also make sure the "Relax ISO Restrictions" setting at the bottom are the same as the picture.

4) in the file browser go to "my computer" the "C:" drive, and the "MC" folder, highlight all the files except "titleman.exe" and drag them to the other side
(as indicated in the picture), then click the burn icon (in the little red box.. or just click file\write cd)

5) it will now bring up the "Write CD" window in nero, make sure you're on the "Burn" tab, and then all your settings reflect mine.
your cd burner may burn faster or slower than 16x (as indicated in my picture). once all your settings reflect the picture below, click "Write".
make sure you have a blank cd-r in your cd burner

you have now completed burning your installation cd-r.

Installing the HDL/memory card exploit

now we need to install the HDL/memory card exploit.
you need a way to boot the cd-r you just created. I've got a modchip in my PS2, and it worked just fine. If you can't boot a CDR, take your CDR and your mem card to a friend who does have a PS2 with a modchip.

insert the memory card with at least 600k free space in to memory card port 1 (remove anything in memory card port 2)
just insert the CDR in to your PS2 and boot it up, and it will begin the installation.
which should look like this;

(it will then proceed to copy files to your memory card)

and if all went well, you should see this screen:

if the installation failed, either your memory card is bad or you dont have enough room on the memory card. try a different memory card.
or you're using a 3rd party memory card (non-sony). always use official sony hardware (except HDD), the rest of the shit sucks.

Now remember you only need to do this once. With this done, read on to find out how to get everything working!

Booting HDLoader

now comes the fun part.. all your hardwork has finally paid off and you get to enjoy HD Loader in all its glory.

You'll need to make sure:

  • the memory card you installed your exploit on is in port 1
  • You have the PSX cd you got the id from in the PS2 cd/dvd drive
  • Your HD is hooked upto the network adaptor, and the network adaptor is installed in the PS2.

With all this done, boot up your PSX game. You will see HDLoader load up. You will need to do this every time you want to play games from your HDD.

If this is the first time you've used HDLoader on the HDD, it will ask you if you want to format it. Say YES.
Remember that you can't use this HD for anything else but PS2 games, unless you format it again in your computer.

Once it is formatted (you only need to do that once), you will see a screen like this one:

(As you can see I've got a few games installed)

Click on Convert in the menu, insert a PS2 game, follow the prompts and it'll get installed to the HDD. Once the game is installed, select it in the list, and press X to load/play it!

PSP Custom Firmware 3.52 M33 Update

Team M33 does service to the homebrew scene once more as it just released a new build for its custom firmware, completely cracking Sony's official PSP FW 3.52. Take note that aside from the improvements that come with CFW 3.52 M33, all features from the previous releases have been incorporated as well.

We know you just can't wait to see the latest development for yourselves but before you do, here's the complete changelog for the new custom firmware:

* Now uses 3.52!!!
* M33 NO-UMD: fixed problem with Simple 2500 Series Portable, The IQ Cube
* Fix a bug which made Go!Cam, GPS and sceKernelLoadExecVSH* not work in game mode.
* PSN downloaded PSX games support wasn't working in 3.51 M33 (didn't work in latest OE's either). Now it is working again. If an original PSN game still doesn't work, we recommend to delete files KEYS.BIN if exists, and copy the game again from PS3 to PSP.

Please take note that CFW 3.52 M33 comes with a Readme file. We don't have to reiterate how important for you guys to read that first before installing this on your PlayStation Portable units. Enjoy!

A lot of QJ.NET loyal readers sent us tip regarding this one. And by saying a lot, we really mean a lot. Thanks for the heads up everyone!


Windows vista on your psp

You need to have flash/java/everything enabled on your psp.

Firmware 2.70 or higher.(I recommended the latest since you already upgrading it)

Download from site and extract all contents from the compressed file.

• After you unzip the folder, connect your PSP and the USB cable, click the folder without the zipper on it and click "install" with the black arrow pointing downward and then you put the drive your PSP is in (if you dont know, go to My Computer and it will tell you)

• Press ok, wait two or three minutes and then something will pop up saying "transfer complete" or anything related to that

• Go to the 'Internet Browser' icon under the 'Network' category, and then go to the far left where it says file, and enter adress entry, type in 'file:/pspwxp/index.htm' without quotes and press start (to make it easier, you will have to load the page many times during tasks so set it as your home page)

• A startup should appear


PSP v3.5 Firmware Downgrader

Homebrew Enabler for 3.50 by Noobz / Dark_AleX

This program enables homebrew and downgraders to be run on 3.50 using the US or EU version of lumines. It makes a patch that remains permanent until hardware reset. Sleep mode won't remove the patch.

This is based on the source for HEN 2.71 provided by Dark_Alex, thanks for the code and the help.

Note: this program writes some small files in the flash, ONLY the first time is executed. It does NOT rewrite any existing file in the system, it writes new files, so the probabilities of bricking are practically null.

- Change the language to English, under System Settings -> System Language
- Copy all contents inside MS_ROOT to the root of your memory stick.
- Load Lumines
- When you run the program, you'll see a coloured screen that can be one of two colors:
* Red: the files couldn't be written to the flash (it happens a few times). Just keep trying.
* Pale Blue: The files were written succesfully, and HEN is active. After that, the xmb will
be rebooted. Now you can run the homebrew in format prepared for 2.71. (see details below).
Note that a pale blue screen will appear again every time the PSP reboots with HEN active.

- As mentioned before, the patch will remain resident in memory, and even entering sleep mode
won't delete it. Only a hardware reset will remove the program from memory.

- When you do a hardware reset, you'll have to run Lumines again.
This time there will just be the pale blue screen and xmb reboot, since this time there is
no need to write to the flash.

Note: Ensure that you leave the PSP/HEN_350 and PSP/SAVEDATA directories that are used for HEN
as some of the files are used each time you enter HEN.
Note2: Once the program is loaded, it is independant of the memory stick contents. So you can
freely swap memory sticks.

Notes about homebrew running

- Current homebrews are not supported. Since current homebrews are in static elf format, they
won't run (they are rejected by the 3.50 kernel). Homebrews for 3.50 have to be in prx format.
Programmers see the programming notes.
In future versions i may patch the kernel to allow it to accept static elf's.

- You can try using the PatchSFO tool from www.noobz.eu to patch homebrew to HEN format.

- There are some samples in the "GAME" directory, all of them ported from the pspsdk samples,
except the nanddumper written by Dark_AleX.

* polyphonic, pspsdk sample (user mode).
* cube, pspsdk sample (user mode). It shows a cube rotating.
* kdumper, pspsdk sample (kernel mode). It dumps kernel memory to the memory stick.
* ipldumper, pspsdk sample (kernel mode). It dumps the ipl to the memory stick.
* systemparam, pspsdk sample (user mode). It displays info about the system
* nanddumper, by Dark_AleX. (kernel mode). It dumps the full nand content to the file
"nandimage.flash" in the memory stick. The format of the dump is compliant with u.p. chip.
(It requires 33 MB of free space in the memory stick).

Programming notes for developers

- As mentioned before, homebrew has to be in prx format, at least atm. Furthermore, the main prx, the one in
the pbp, has to be an user prx. However this user prx can load unsigned kernel modules from
the memory stick, allowing kernel mode apps.

- There is no need for noplainmodule check patch or nodevicecheck patch, since those are done
by the homebrew enabler.

- Try to use USE_KERNEL_LIBS = 1 in your kernel prx's. In 2.XX, the separation between user
and kernel mode is higher than in 1.XX.
Some functions in "*ForUser" are now totally separated (different address) from their
"*ForKernel" equivalents. A good example is ModuleMgr. If you are in a kernel prx and
you call the sceKernelLoadModule of ModuleMgrForUser, you will get a "ILLEGA_PERMANENT_CALL" error.

- See the source code of the samples to have a hint on how to program for 3.50.

Credits and thanks.
- Noobz team for porting to 3.50
- Noobz team for porting to 3.03
- Noobz team for porting to 2.80

Thanks to:
- Original code for 2.71 HEN supplied by Dark_AleX

- Booster for creating devhook. HEN reboot method is based on devhook one.

- Mathieulh for the help provided to Dark_AleX for the two months that he was without psp.


gameboy floppy disk drive

A floppy disk drive for your Game Boy! !

Author's Note: This project remains and will remain at the experimental stage for several reasons: Author's Note: This project remains and will remain at the experimental stage for several reasons:
A floppy drive is cumbersome and it consumes a lot. A floppy drive is cumbersome and it consumes a lot.
A floppy controller is currently very hard to find and it is not going to arrange, quite the contrary ... A floppy controller is currently very hard to find and it is not going to arrange, quite the contrary ...
And above all, there is now more-much more attractive and cheaper such as CompactFlash! And above all, there is now more-much more attractive and cheaper such as CompactFlash!

The project presented here is to interface a diskette drive controller (FDC) compatible 765 to your Game Boy. The project presented here is to a floppy disk drive interface controller (FDC) compatible 765 to your Game Boy. Below are the future characteristics of montage: Below are the future characteristics of montage:
- Reading diskettes 1.44MB on Game Boy Color-Reading diskettes 1.44MB on Game Boy Color
- Reading diskettes 720Ko on Game Boy-Reading diskettes 720Ko on Game Boy
- Supports the FAT 12 read-Supports the FAT 12 in reading
One-ROM (16Ko-32Ko) introduced a cartridge SRAM will bear the load *. GB / GBC *. in SRAM. One-ROM (16Ko-32Ko) introduced a cartridge SRAM will bear the load *. GB / GBC *. In SRAM.

The advantages of this montage compared to a conventional cartridge SRAM or FLASH: The advantages of this montage compared to a conventional cartridge FLASH or SRAM are:

- Independence from the PC with the need to have a PC near to change the ROM, a floppy enough (very good for travel) - Independence from the PC with the need to have a PC near to change the ROM, floppy enough (very good for travel)
- Manipulation and less during development: we do has more to do with the GB cartridge. - Handling and less during development: we do has more to do with the GB cartridge.
- A diskette can contain several ROM cartridge while an SRAM or Flash does not contain a. - A diskette can contain several ROM cartridge while an SRAM or Flash does not contain a.

Much of the work is a soft ROM test (compiled version here) has been developed to determine the feasibility of the project ... Much of the work is a soft ROM test (compiled version here) has been developed to determine the feasibility of the project ... This ROM was developed with a cartridge-type SRAM (with MBC5) with a controller card (ISA EPOTEC 2) interfaced to the place of memory backup (hence its records are accessible to 0A000h to 0BFFFh ...) This ROM was developed with a cartridge-type SRAM (with MBC5) with a controller card (ISA EPOTEC 2) interfaced to the place of memory backup (hence its records are accessible to 0A000h to 0BFFFh ...)

Schematic overview: Schematic overview:
Click to enlarge!

The card EPOTEC2 (ISA controller card / VLB): The card EPOTEC2 (ISA controller card / VLB):
A former controller card ISA / VLB with IDE, FDC, series ports, parallel port ....

'The adapter' ISA-GB: 'The tailor' ISA-GB:
A good old ISA slot, which resumed service;) ...

All in working condition: All in working condition:
Yet it is this portable console? ;) ...

This experimental ROM is this: This experimental ROM is this:
She reads the BOOT sector of the DK ... She reads the BOOT sector of the DK ...
Determine the location of the FAT, and the load in the internal memory of the GB Determine the location of the FAT, and the load in the internal memory of the GB
Determine the position of the root and displays all of its entries on the screen ... Determine the location of the root and displays all of its entries on the screen ...
Search the README.TXT file, load and display on the screen ... Search the README.TXT file, load and display on the screen ...
Nothing very useful so ... Nothing very useful so ...

A small 'DIR';) : A small 'DIR';)

Viewing a txt file: Viewing a txt file:

The ideal would be to create a cartridge with a boot loader Roma (to load the game ...) with the controller FDC, in order to reduce the space taken ... The ideal would be to create a cartridge with a boot loader Roma (to load the game ...) with the controller FDC, in order to reduce the space taken ...
This ROM is working very well, so the floppy to GameBoy is quite possible ... This ROM is working very well, so the floppy to Game Boy is quite possible ...

Here is an illustration of a cartridge with a ROM that supports the management of the floppy drive and the FAT, allowing the user to load the Roma a floppy directly from his GameBoy: Here is an illustration of a cartridge with a ROM that supports the management of the floppy drive and the FAT, allowing the user to load the Roma a floppy directly from his GameBoy:
This circuit should operate, but it has not yet been done, nor tested! This circuit should operate, but it has not yet been done, nor tested! It is only a version close to the study ... It is only a version close to the study ...
